Supercharge your
Telegram community
Metavolt provides game-changing solutions built on top of the unique capabilities provided by Telegram that will help you unlock the true potential of your community.
App screenshot

Batteries included

Everything you need for monetization

Turn your Telegram community into a business using our monetization platform, unlocking its potential for profitability and growth.

Multiple currencies
We facilitate multi-currency support, enabling seamless payments in various currencies to cater to a diverse global audience within your Telegram community.
Frictionless authentication
No registration is necessary. Users will use their existing Telegram accounts, eliminating the need for additional sign-ups, e-mails, passwords, etc.
Referral program
Our referral program empowers users to earn discounts by sharing their invite links, fostering community-driven growth and incentivizing engagement through mutual benefit. Say goodbye to advertising!
Our platform seamlessly manages all aspects, from processing payments to inviting subscribed members, and automatically handles removals when payments cease, ensuring effortless operation for users.